Captain Michael Scullin

Captain Scullin was so awesome! He was helped me out so much. Since I’m quarantined I can’t go out anywhere and I was so frustrated not being able to take care of my responsibilities.


I would like to thank the Facilities group. Due to the virus, their workload increased tremendously to keep the rest of us germ free. Many, many thanks for everything you do.

Oswald Enriquez

Thank you for a very pleasant experience. Oswald was very helpful during the process. Thank you Brother-Man!

Zon Seals

Ms. Zon was caring, she was patient, she did not make me feel like an imbecile when I didn't understand an explanation, she just presented it in a different way until I got it.

Gary Brinkman & Telecom Team

I would like to commend Gary Brinkman and the staff at Telecom for all the hard work and long hours getting our employees setup to receive their office calls remotely using Jabber.

Trooper Brent Taylor

State Trooper Taylor was recently a blessing in diffusing a very tense family situation. He’s a great example of how law enforcement can collectively work with families.

Linda Sims

I logged into the audit portal and accepted the review. I want to thank you for your time and patience with me as I completed the audit steps.

Trooper Johnny Sen

Trooper Sen was extremely professional and polite from the very beginning. When he noticed my sleeping toddler in the car he became even quieter in his demeanor.

Trooper Blake Roberts (THP) 

I was travelling east on I-40 outside Amarillo when I got pulled over by Officer Roberts. He was very pleasant and affable during the whole interaction. He didn't make me feel like a bad criminal.

Trooper Jared Poerner

Officer Poerner stopped me in Concho Co. Officer Poerner was professional, courteous and very kind natured.