Texas Residency Requirement for Driver Licenses and ID Cards

September 22, 2020


Learn more about other documents that must be presented when applying for or renewing a driver license, ID card, or commercial driver license.

To verify Texas residency, an individual must present two printed documents from the list below. Both documents must contain the individual's name and residential address. One of the documents must verify that the individual has lived in Texas for at least 30 days. Individuals who are surrendering a valid, unexpired driver license or ID from another state, or applying for a commercial driver license, must still present proof of residency; however, the 30 day requirement is waived.

Individuals who are unable to provide two acceptable documents may be eligible to complete a Texas Residency Affidavit.

NOTE: A brochure listing all of the following documents is available for download.

Residency Documents

  • Any of the following documents will be accepted to verify an individual's Texas residency.  
  • Both documents may be from the same source if the source is a local governmental entity or service provider that provides multiple residential services. Example: A water and gas bill from the same municipal utility on separate statements are acceptable. Statements for the same service for different months are not acceptable.
  • Printed documents are required and printed electronic statements are acceptable

NOTE: Remember, all documents presented must contain the individual's name and Texas residential address, and must be printed.

  • Current deed, mortgage, monthly mortgage statement, mortgage payment booklet or a residential rental/lease agreement
  • Valid, unexpired Texas voter registration card*
  • Valid, unexpired Texas motor vehicle registration or title
  • Valid, unexpired Texas boat registration or title
  • Valid, unexpired Texas concealed handgun license (CHL) or license to carry (LTC)
  • Utility or residential service bill dated within 180 days of the date of application. Examples of acceptable statements include, but are not limited to: electric, water, gas, internet, cable, streaming services, lawn services, and cellular telephone
  • Selective Service card
  • Current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy, statement, or card
  • Current automobile insurance policy, statement or card
  • Texas high school, college or university report card or transcript for the current school year
  • Preprinted W-2, 1099, or 1098 tax form from an employer, government, or financial institution for the most recent tax year
  • Mail or printed electronic statements from financial institutions; including checking, savings, investment accounts and credit card statements dated within 180 days of the date of application
  • Mail or printed electronic statements from a federal, state, county or city government agency, or a third-party representing a government agency dated within 180 days of the date of application
  • Current automobile payment booklet or statement
  • Current documents issued by the U.S. military or Veteran's Administration indicating residential address
  • Document from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice indicating the applicant's recent release or parole
  • Letter of Medical Explanation of Benefits or medical bills
  • Valid, unexpired Texas fishing or hunting license
  • Pre-printed paycheck or payment stub, dated within 180 days of the application date
  • Current Form DS2019 or a document issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (non-commercial DL and ID only)
  • Letter of Texas residency issued by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD)

*Printout from the Secretary of State’s website www.votetexas.gov verifying applicant’s residence may also be accepted.

Residency Requirement Waived

The residency requirement will be waived for individuals who are authorized to use an alternative address under the following circumstances:

  1. Individuals subject to the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) administered by the Attorney General of Texas
  2. Judges or spouses of judges
  3. Active duty military personnel, their spouses, and dependents may provide a residency address outside of Texas
  4. Individuals currently incarcerated in a Texas Department of Criminal Justice facility
  5. Individuals who are minors in Department of Family Protective Services conservatorship
  6. Individuals who are under 21 years of age in Department of Family Protective Services paid foster care
  7. Applicants who are considered homeless youth as defined by 42 USC Section 11434a

NOTE: Peace officers using an alternative address must still verify their Texas residency.

Statutory Authority