Crime Records Reports and Statistical Information

February 10, 2021

CJIS and JJIS Information


Annual DWI Report

Government Code Chapter 411.049 determines that the Department of Public Safety (DPS) shall annually report statistics regarding offenses relating to the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated as defined by Penal Code Chapter 49.09.







Quarterly DWI Recidivism Report

The Quarterly Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Report contains statistical data of the number of arrests and convictions for DWI offenses in the listed quarter, how many of those individuals have previous arrests or convictions for DWI offenses, and the percentage rate of how many of the individuals are re-offenders (recidivism).






Crime in Texas Reports

Crime in Texas Reports - Quarterly Trends

Criminal History Arrest and Conviction Statistics

These are statistical reports that include annual counts of Arrests and annual counts of Convictions broken down by County and by Offense. Conviction counts include convictions and deferred adjudications as reported by the Criminal Justice Agencies, deferred adjudications are included in these statistics because Government Code 411.135 states that deferred adjudications are considered to be public information. The counts are included in the appropriate year/s based on the Date of Arrest for arrests and based on the Court Disposition Date for convictions as reported by the Criminal Justice Agencies.





Criminal History Compliance Reports

Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 66.353 requires the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS): To monitor the submission of arrest and disposition information by local jurisdictions; To annually submit a report regarding the level of reporting by local jurisdictions to the Legislative Budget Board, the Governor, the Lt. Governor, the State Auditor, and the standing committees in the Senate and House of Representatives that have primary jurisdiction over criminal justice, and; To identify the local jurisdictions that do not report or that partially report information. These documents present: Computerized Criminal History (CCH) Dispositions Associated with Reported Charges for both adult and juveniles, Five-Year Average Completeness Report by County and a Ten-Year History of Arrest Reports to CCH for both adult and juveniles.  These reports are created and posted in January of each year, the data in them is a snapshot of the CCH data at that point in time.


   County Data Reporting Improvement Plans


   Texas Criminal Noncitizens Statistics


   Nondisclosure Reporting


   Conviction Reporting Standard Associated With Executive Order 8


Annual Report on Texas Border Crime and Other Criminal Activity


Request Computerized Criminal History Data Under GC 411.083(b)