Under the Criminal Justice Information Service (CJIS) Security Policy provisions, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) serves as the CJIS Systems Agency for the State of Texas. Our team of experienced and professional staff is responsible for auditing local agencies to ensure compliance with the technical aspects of the FBI CJIS Division's policies and regulations.

On the first Tuesday of each month, 4-5 PM, James Gore, the State of Texas CJIS ISO will host a MS Teams meeting to discuss the modernized CJIS Security Policy (CJISSECPOL), and agency efforts to maintain CJIS Compliance.
The intent of the Texas CJIS ISO Monthly Chat is to provide the Local Agency Security Officers (LASO) Organizational Personnel with Security Responsibilities an opportunity to express local agency concerns implementing the security controls of the CJISSECPOL, get an understanding of the State's expectations for maintaining agency compliance, and for the agencies to make suggestions for topics of subsequent Texas CJIS ISO Monthly Chats.
To receive reminders and the invite please subscribe to the CJIS Listserv below.
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Feel free to contact us for further information or assistance with CJIS technical issues.
Email Security Committee or (512) 424-5686