News & Updates

September 3, 2020


Compassionate Use Program Evaluation Report

October 10, 2024

Regulatory Services Division (RSD) procured a Compassionate Use Program (CUP) subject matter expert to assist Regulatory Services Division (RSD) with recommendations for the CUP Program. The subject matter expert has completed the program analysis and provided a final report with recommendations. A copy of the report can be found here.

Compassionate Use Program

May 13, 2024

The Texas Compassionate Use Program (CUP) is inviting physicians and patients to participate in one or more surveys about the state’s Low-THC (medical cannabis) program. Your insights are valuable in helping us understand the experiences and perspectives of Compassionate Use Program participants. You are not required to take this survey. If you choose not to take it, your relationship with the program will not be affected in any way.

This survey is being conducted by a consultant contracted with DPS to gather data and provide recommendations about the program. The information will be used to improve the program and inform others including legislators, program staff, policy makers, and the public about the program’s impact, accessibility, and opportunities for improvement. If you choose to participate, please answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability.

All responses are anonymous. We do not solicit or collect personally identifiable information.

Patient Survey:  This survey is now closed.

Physician Survey:  This survey is now closed.


Compassionate Use Program Dispensing Organization Application Period

May 3, 2023

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Regulatory Services Division (RSD), is not currently accepting new applications for the Compassionate Use Program (CUP) dispensing organization licenses. The last application submission window closed on April 28, 2023.

Compassionate Use Program Working Group: Accepting Applications for a Patient Representative 

January 26,2023

The purpose of the Compassionate Use Program Working Group is to provide RSD feedback on the current program and suggestions for improvements to the program. For example, topics to be discussed may include suggestions for improvements to the Compassionate Use Registry, or policy or rule changes relating to how low-THC cannabis is produced or dispensed, how deliveries might be made more efficient, or how prescriptions are entered, accessed, or filled. 

RSD may consider input provided by the Working Group by consensus, by vote, or directly from individual members, at its discretion. Recommendations made by the Working Group will not be binding in any way on RSD or the Department.

The Working Group consists of 10 members.  There is a current vacancy for a patient representative. The patient representative may be a patient participating in the CUP program, a parent or caregiver for a patient in the cup program, or a patient advocate.

Applications for membership may be submitted through the RSD Contact Us portal, using the application form. Applications will be accepted beginning January 27, 2023, and the application window will be open until filled

Prospective applicants should be aware that they will be subject to a criminal history background check.  Also, as members, they will be publicly identified on the department’s website. Further, there will be no compensation for service on the Working Group, and the department has no authority to reimburse members for travel or other expenses relating to service on the Working Group.  

The frequency of meetings will be determined by RSD management. RSD management will preside over the meetings. RSD will be responsible for the preparation of meeting notes and agendas and will publish these on its website. 

DPS Compassionate Use Program Now Taking Applications For Dispensing Organization Licenses 

January 13, 2023 

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), Regulatory Services Division (RSD), is now accepting new applications for Compassionate Use Program dispensing organization licenses.   

Applications for dispensing organization licenses may be submitted through the RSD Contact Us portal, using this application form (CUP-101) The application window will close at 5 p.m. CT on April 28, 2023. 

Applicants who have previously applied for a CUP dispensing organization license may reapply by submitting an updatedapplication form (CUP-101). Application fees will be waived for applicants who are reapplying.  

An announcement detailing the process for application acceptance and the subsequent approval process to issue additional licenses will be made after the conclusion of the 88th Texas Legislative Session.    

Compassionate Use Program Working Group Members

January 5, 2023

The Texas Department of Public Safety has established the Compassionate Use Working Group. Below is the member list:

Chase BeardenPatient Representative
Robert BeasleyDispensing Organization
Elizabeth CrossPatient Representative
Michael Gorby, MD PA FACP     Qualified and currently registered physician     
Susan HaysPublic (non-stakeholder)
Allison Kendrick, MDQualified and currently registered physician
Robert Marks, MDQualified and currently registered physician
Nico RichardsonDispensing Organization
Eugene TallmanDispensing Organization

The purpose of the Compassionate Use Program Working Group is to provide feedback and suggestions for improvements to the Compassionate Use Program. 

To submit information, comments or suggestions to the working group submit an email to:


Compassionate Use Program Working Group: Application Period Closed
December 1, 2022  

The Texas Department of Public Safety closed the window to submit applications for membership on November 18, 2022.


Compassionate Use Program Working Group: Accepting Applications Through 11/18/22
Nov. 8, 2022

The Texas Department of Public Safety, through its Regulatory Services Division (RSD), is seeking opinions and advice from interested persons relating to the Compassionate Use Program. To facilitate this process, the Department is creating the Compassionate Use Program Working Group.

The purpose of the Compassionate Use Program Working Group will be to provide RSD feedback on the current program and suggestions for improvements to the program. For example, topics to be discussed may include suggestions for improvements to the Compassionate Use Registry, or policy or rule changes relating to how low-THC cannabis is produced or dispensed, how deliveries might be made more efficient, or how prescriptions are entered, accessed, or filled.

RSD may consider input provided by the Working Group by consensus, by vote, or directly from individual members, at its discretion. Recommendations made by the Working Group will not be binding in any way on RSD or the Department.

The Working Group will initially consist of ten members, to be selected by RSD. The members may be replaced, and the number of members on the Working Group may be changed, at RSD’s discretion.  The Working Group will initially consist of the following:

  • Three patient representatives, whether currently participating patients, parents, or caregivers, or patient advocates.
  • Three qualified and currently registered physicians who are residents of this state. At least one physician must have direct experience related to the health care needs of veterans and at least one physician must have pediatric experience.
  • Three dispensing organization representatives, one from each of the currently licensed dispensing organizations.
  • One public member (non-stakeholder).

Applications for membership may be submitted through the RSD Contact Us portal, using the application form. Applications will be accepted beginning November 9, 2022, and the application window will close at 5 p.m., Central Time, November 18, 2022.

Prospective applicants should be aware that they will be subject to a criminal history background check.  Also, as members, they will be publicly identified on the department’s website. Further, there will be no compensation for service on the Working Group, and the department has no authority to reimburse members for travel or other expenses relating to service on the Working Group. 

Meetings will begin soon. The frequency of meetings will be determined by RSD management. RSD management will preside over the meetings. RSD will be responsible for the preparation of meeting notes and agendas and will publish these on its website. 

Resolved: CURT Database Issue 
October 27, 2022

As of October 27, 2022, DPS had resolved the issue impacting the entering of new treatment plans in the CURT database. Thank you to CURT users for their patience while the issue was addressed. 

CURT Database Issue 
October 26, 2022

Physicians, please note DPS is aware of an issue currently impacting the CURT database when new treatment plans are entered. The Information Technology (IT) team is actively engaged in resolving this issue.

Notice of Intent: Agency Review of Existing Rules
March 31, 2022

The Texas Department of Public Safety’s filing of the notice of intent to review and consider for readoption, amendment, or repeal with the Texas Register is required by Government Code Sec. 2001.039. This provision, entitled Agency Review of Existing Rules, requires that agencies review and consider for readoption each of their rules at least every four years. As part of this statutorily required review, the department must determine whether the reasons for adopting or readopting these rules continue to exist, whether any of the rules are obsolete, whether the rules reflect current legal and policy considerations, and whether the rules reflect current procedures of the department.

The notice appears in the April 1, 2022 issue of the Texas Register.

This notice is not related to the application process, and there are currently no plans to reopen that process.


Summary of New Laws Impacting the Compassionate Use Program
Sept. 3, 2021

Austin – The 87th Session of the Texas Legislature made statutory changes to the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 487, which went into effect September 1, 2021. Below is a summary of the new laws.

HB 1535      

Caption: Relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis by patients with certain medical conditions and the establishment of compassionate-use institutional review boards to evaluate and approve proposed research programs to study the medical use of low-THC cannabis in the treatment of certain patients.        

  • Expands the medical conditions for which low-THC cannabis may be prescribed to include non-terminal cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, and those medical conditions designated by the Health and Human Services Commission as authorizing treatment with low-THC cannabis as part of an approved research program.
  • Increases maximum THC level of low-THC cannabis to 1% by weight.
  • Establishes compassionate-use institutional review boards to evaluate and approve proposed research programs to study the medical use of low-THC cannabis.


December 2019

December 5, 2019: HB 3703 Implementation Update

Beginning December 12, the CURT system will recognize incurable neurodegenerative disease as a medical condition for which low-THC cannabis may be prescribed.  As required by HB 3703, the Texas Department of State Health Services has designated the applicable neurodegenerative diseases by rule effective December 5, 2019.  See 25 Tex. Admin. Code 1, §1.61.

October 2019

October 23, 2019: Program Development Update

  • The department is not currently accepting new applications for dispensing organization licenses but ongoing operations are unchanged: qualified physicians continue to register as prescribers of low-THC cannabis, and current licensed dispensing organizations continue to fill prescriptions for patients with the required medical conditions.
  • Physicians seeking to register as prescribers will now be able to select from a dropdown list the Medical Board issuing their specialty certification.
  • The CURT prescription interface now includes:
    • The ability to enter prescriptions as a ratio of CBD to THC,
    • An expanded Prescription Instruction field to accommodate the need for additional information,
    • A new field for dispensing organizations to add fulfillment notes. The physician will be able to see the fulfillment notes after the prescription is filled.

September 2019

September 12, 2019: HB 3703 Implementation Update

Updated physician search is now available. The search results provide practice information of physicians who have expressly granted permission for publication.

Physician Search

August 2019

August 15, 2019: HB 3703 Implementation Update

At this time, DPS is accepting physician registration applications to encompass the expanded list of medical conditions. Qualified physicians will now be able to issue prescriptions to patients with any of the following medical conditions:

  1. Epilepsy
  2. A seizure disorder
  3. Multiple sclerosis
  4. Spasticity
  5. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  6. Autism
  7. Terminal cancer

NOTE: Incurable neurodegenerative diseases are not currently available as a basis for prescription, pending rule adoption by Health and Human Services Commission designating applicable diseases.

Instructions for Submitting a Physician Application

July 2019

July 29, 2019: Changes to the Prescription Process:

With the passage of HB 3703 into law, secondary physician consultation is no longer necessary to create a prescription. Beginning July 25, 2019, physicians can proceed directly from treatment plan to prescription entry. Additional changes are in progress as the program expands to allow new physician specialties and conditions for which low-THC cannabis may be prescribed. Please check back as changes will be posted on the website as they are available.

June 2019

Low-THC Cannabis
On June 14, 2019, Governor Abbott signed into law HB 3703, providing additional medical conditions for which low-THC cannabis may be prescribed and increasing the respective specialties in which prescribing physicians may practice. The bill became effective immediately. The Compassionate Use Registry is undergoing the necessary modifications to allow the registration of physicians with these additional specialties and to allow prescriptions for the additional conditions. Implementation of this bill is a top priority of DPS. Please check back for further updates.

The federal Farm Bill of 2018 provides that individual states may regulate hemp, and hemp products such as CBD, through their departments of agriculture by either submitting a regulatory plan to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or by allowing the USDA to construct a regulatory program for the state. Only hemp or hemp-derived products produced through such a regulatory program are legal under federal law, and legislative action would be necessary for any change to state law.

On June 10, 2019 Governor Abbott signed into law HB 1325, authorizing the development of a regulatory program for the cultivation and sale of hemp and hemp products. The bill became effective immediately. The Texas Department of Agriculture will be responsible for the development and administration of this legislation. Questions regarding the program and the legality of hemp or hemp products, including CBD products, should be directed to the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Information about Hemp Farming 
Texas Department of Agriculture or by phone at 512-463-8215 (Hemp Hotline)
TDA estimates the hemp growing permit application process to begin in spring 2020.

Information about CBD retail sales or consumable hemp products (less than .3% THC)
Texas Department of State Health Services or by email


August 2017

The Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) will go live on September 1, 2017. Qualified physicians will be able to use the system to register with DPS and to prescribe low-THC cannabis to patients with intractable epilepsy. Prescriptions can be filled by licensed dispensing organizations once low-THC cannabis product is available.

May 1, 2017

Following the submission and review of 43 applications for dispensing organization licenses, the department announced the three conditionally approved applicants.

January 2017

To ensure the department can meet its statutory obligations to implement the Texas Compassionate Use Act (Senate Bill 339) by September 1, 2017 and promptly respond to any changes sought by the legislature or executive leadership during the approaching legislative session, the department is scaling back on the development of an online application and licensing software application. Instead, the department will initially process and evaluate the applications manually, and at this time will only pursue development of the physician registration and prescription tracking online system. The development of the licensing application may be pursued at a later date.

Administrative Rules Update

February 2017

The Public Safety Commission adopted proposed amendments to the administrative rules at its February 22, 2017 meeting.  The rules have been submitted to the Texas Register for publication.  These adopted proposals will appear in the March 10, 2017 issue with an effective date of March 15, 2017.


December 2016

Proposed amendments to the administrative rules were published in the October 28, 2016 issue of the Texas Register for public comment. The comment period expired on November 28, 2016. In response to the comments, the department proposed further revisions to the rules at the Public Safety Commission's December 15, 2016 meeting. At that meeting, the Public Safety Commission voted to republish the proposals for formal comment. Following this comment period, the commission may consider the proposals for possible adoption at its next meeting on February 22, 2017. Notice of the comment period and a link for the submission of comments will be provided in the near future.

October 2016

Proposed amendments to the administrative rules were presented to the Public Safety Commission at its October 13, 2016 meeting, as part of the formal rule making process. The proposals were approved for publication by the Commission. These proposed amendments will be published in the October 28, 2016 issue of the Texas Register for public comment. The comment period will expire on November 28, 2016. Comments may be submitted at Contact Us – Compassionate Use Program. Please see Proposed Rule Amendments to view the rules as published.

January 2016

The Public Safety Commission (PSC) adopted the Compassionate Use Program Administrative Rules at its Dec. 17, 2015, meeting. The administrative rules  became effective Jan. 10, 2016.