Third Party Skills Testing Program - Non-Commercial Driver License

August 17, 2021

Who is eligible to become a TPST Authorized Organization or Examiner?

The Class C Non-CDL Third Party Skills Testing (TPST) program authorizes driver education schools that have been certified by the Department to administer the skills test for Class C Non-CDL applicants. The Department implemented this program to allow Authorized Organizations (AOs) to administer the skills test to certain applicants.

Authorized Organization:

Authorized Organizations or “AOs” are defined in Texas Transportation Code Section 521.165(a) as certain employers, government agencies, and other appropriate organizations; and in Texas Transportation Code Section 521.1655, as  a driver education school or driver education course provider that have entered into a memorandum of understanding with DPS.

The AO shall have held for at least the immediate past year (1) and continue to maintain a valid driver education school license issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) or appropriate licensing agency.

Who is eligible to become a TPST AO?

Applicants who: 

  •  Have held for at least one year, and continue to maintain, a valid driver education license issued by the TDLR or appropriate licensing agency
  • Maintain a physical location in Texas 
  • Maintain a Surety Bond
  • Maintain insurance as required by state law; and
  • Use school owned vehicles

In order to become a Class C Non-CDL AO, applicants must:

  1. Notify the Program Review section by sending an email requesting forms and information to
  2. Undergo a certification process by the Department which includes:
    • Testing of the driver education school instructors, and
    • Audit and approval of the drive routes used for the skills test

 When applying to become an AO, the following documents are required:

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Complete and email to
  • Training and Procedures Manual:  This document is provided after the MOU is submitted and explains the procedures a participant must complete as well as information as to how the program is administered.  This manual also provides all of the information for the school instructors to prepare for the written tests that comprise the examiner certification process.
  • DL-41 Examiner Observation Completion Log:  This log will help the Department and the examiner track the examiner certification process.
  • Monthly report template and form: This report is due to the Department on or before the tenth (10th) of the month following the month you start the program. 

Upon certification, the AO will be certified for three years to provide skills tests by their certified examiners.

Who is eligible to become a TPST Examiner? 

Applicants who:

  • Have held for at least one year, and continue to maintain, a valid driver education instructor license issued by the TDLR or appropriate licensing agency
  • Are not currently employed with the Department
  • Maintain a valid, unexpired Texas driver license
  • Have not been convicted of any felony, criminally negligent homicide, driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence offense within the past seven years; and
  • Are not currently, or within the immediate past three years, have three or more convictions from moving violations assigned to his or her Texas driver license

 In order to become a TPST Examiner, applicants must:

  1. Successfully, complete the Knowledge, Control, Observation, Position and Signal (COPS) tests at a driver license office and have the results forwarded to Program Review at
  2. Coordinate with the Department to perform observation and check rides.

Upon certification for each examiner, a three year TPST examiner certificate will be provided to the examiner's AO.  

The AO must notify the Department of any changes in examiners, location, ownership or any other issues required by the Department. 

If you are a certified TDLR school authorized to administer the driver knowledge test, visit our Frequently Asked Questions for additional information on obtaining a copy of the most current test.