Texas DPS Unidentified Person Bulletin

No Picture Available

Case Number: U0709015
Agency: Dallas Police Department
Date Found: 01/11/2002
Estimated Date of Death: 6-1-2001
Race: Unknown
Height: 5' 5 " - 5' 9 "
Eye Color: Unknown
City Found: Unknown
State Found: Texas

Age: 28 - 48
Cause of Death: Unknown
Sex: Male
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
County Found: Unknown
Country Found: Unknown

Found with the victim was fragments of clothing and a blue comb. A suit consisting of a jacket, pants and a sock with "100 Polyester by Martini" followed by "Modellato Di Italy RN21512" on the tags.
Evidence of surgery to the skull, surgical wire on right cheek bone, multiple healed rib fractures; joint disease of the cervical vertebrae.
He was found on the south side of the Trinity River Levee at 26010 Canada in Dallas, Texas.

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Anyone with additional information or questions regarding this case should contact
Texas Department of Public Safety, Missing Persons Clearinghouse
PO Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773-0450; or by phone at 512-424-5074 or 1-800-346-3243