Texas DPS Unidentified Person Bulletin

No Picture Available

Case Number: U0709005
Agency: Dallas Police Department
Date Found: 04/03/2002
Estimated Date of Death: 4-3-2002
Race: Biracial
Height: 5' 5 " - 5' 10"
Eye Color: Brown
City Found: Unknown
State Found: Texas

Age: 28 - 52
Cause of Death: Auto/Pedestrian Accident
Sex: Male
Weight: 145 lbs. - 160 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
County Found: Unknown
Country Found: Unknown

The victim was wearing a black cap, a plaid red jacket, a short sleeved blue/white shirt, jeans, white socks, a blue sock, boxer shorts and black shoes.He was also wearing a white metal class ring type with red stones with PAM on the inside.
The victim has a scar on his abdomen, a tattoo of the initials of "DB" and "KK" on his left forearm, a tattoo of the word "Love" on the right forearm. He has a moustache/goatee type beard. His teeth are natural with one yellow metal cap on the right upper central incisor. The victim was located at 5000 Marvin D Love Freeway in Dallas, Texas.

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Anyone with additional information or questions regarding this case should contact
Texas Department of Public Safety, Missing Persons Clearinghouse
PO Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773-0450; or by phone at 512-424-5074 or 1-800-346-3243