Vehicle Inspection Connection - Bring Your Own Device

January 19, 2024

1. What is Vehicle Inspection Connection (VIC) Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)?

VIC BYOD is a new inspection entry method for Commercial and Safety only inspection stations. BYOD is NOT for Emission inspection stations and is not replacing the current emissions analyzers. Commercial and Safety only inspection stations that opt-in to BYOD will enable their inspectors to use a station or inspector provided cell phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer (hereafter called a device) to record the vehicle inspection information. Inspections that are conducted on these devices will only be performed at the station location on file with the Department. Additionally, using BYOD gives inspectors access to a camera-enabled VIN scanning feature in addition to the current scanning method.

2. Are the Emissions analyzers being replaced?

No. The Emissions analyzers will not be replaced. BYOD does not impact emission stations, only safety and commercial stations that opt-in to the program.

3. When does VIC BYOD launch?

BYOD is available to all commercial and safety only stations as of February 12, 2024. Stations can switch to BYOD at any point between now and December 31, 2024. Commercial safety inspection stations will be required to enter vehicle inspections via BYOD starting January 1, 2025. 

4. Is my commercial or safety only inspection station required to switch to VIC BYOD?

Not Immediately. The VIC unit will still be available until January 1, 2025. Switching to BYOD is optional for commercial stations and all safety only inspection stations until January 1, 2025. At that time, commercial safety inspection stations will be required to enter vehicle inspections into a station or inspector provided device. Stations are welcome to transition to an inspector or station provided device anytime between now and January 1, 2025.

5. If I no longer need my VIC unit, how should I return it?

You will not need to return your VIC unit. Once you have transitioned to BYOD and you no longer need to use the VIC hardware, you may dispose of the VIC unit by following your local guidelines for disposing of electronic waste. The VIC units will not to be returned to the State of Texas.

6. Can I use both a VIC Unit and a BYOD device to conduct inspections?

From now through December 31, 2024, inspections can be completed using the VIC Unit, a station provided device, or an inspector provided device. Inspectors are not able to switch between the VIC Unit and their device for the same inspection.  

7. Will the cost of vehicle inspections increase?

No. Using your own devices will not affect the state inspection fee. Inspection fees are set by the state legislature.

8. Will DPS replace my VIC Unit with a new device for BYOD?

No. Each station and/or inspector is responsible for providing and maintaining their own compatible devices.

9. Can I use an Apple device or a Google device as my BYOD? What about another operating system?

Inspectors may use either a cell phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer to record vehicle inspection information. Ensure that the selected devices can access the site through the supported web browsers: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and iOS Safari. (Please note that Internet Explorer is not supported.)

10. What are the software requirements for using my own device?

For best results, it is strongly recommended that your selected device has its most recent software update installed. 

11. I have multiple inspectors; can they each use a separate device to complete inspections?

This depends on the number of approved inspection bays at your station. You can have as many in-progress inspections and devices as you have approved inspection bays.

12. Will a printer be provided to stations that opt-in to BYOD?

No, DPS will not provide a printer and does not recommend a specific type of printer. Each station and/or inspector is responsible for providing and maintaining their own printer, which needs to be compatible with their selected device before performing inspections. 

13. Can my station continue to use a USB handheld scanner if we opt-in to BYOD?

Yes. If you are using a device that has a USB port for the handheld scanner to plug in to, you will be able to use the scanner to capture the VIN from either the registration sticker or the VIN plate as before. BYOD may also work with some of the commercially available Bluetooth scanners, but DPS does not recommend any specific brand or model. 

14. Where can I access training on how to use BYOD?

Training videos and user guides are available on the DPS website under “Vehicle Inspection Connection - Bring Your Own Device (VIC-BYOD).”

15. I work at more than one station. If I select the incorrect station to conduct my inspection, where will the Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) print?

The VIR will be sent to the printer the device is synced to. It is important to ensure that

A) you are selecting the correct station for your inspection, and

B) that your device is synced to that station's printer before conducting an inspection.

16. Does my device need to be connected to the internet to complete an inspection?

As a best practice, you should always check that your device is connected to the internet when completing a vehicle inspection. However, the BYOD application stores a limited number of offline inspections. Inspectors must have completed one full online inspection at that station before offline functionality is enabled. Any offline inspections will be saved and will be updated when your device submits an online inspection, or the data refresh is successfully completed.

17. Will the new BYOD program still print recall information?


18. What do I do if my printer isn’t printing the Vehicle Inspection report (VIR)?

For guidance on troubleshooting, please refer to Slide 44 of the BYOD Tips & Tricks user guide. If you are still experiencing issues with printing, you may need to reach out to your device manufacturer.

19. What do I do if my station is not listed as an option on the “Select Station” page?

Please contact your DPS Representative to alert them of the issue.

20. What do I do if I am experiencing issues with scanning the VIN?

For an immediate fix, you can manually enter the VIN instead of scanning. To address scanning issues, please refer to Slide 42 of the BYOD Tips & Tricks user guide for guidance on how to troubleshoot scanning.

21. What do I do if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, there is a “Forgot password” link to reset your password on the login page. You will be required to provide your user ID, First and Last name, Date of Birth, state your DL or ID is issued from, and your DL/ID number. You will also need to provide the last 4 digits of your SSN and the Audit number from your DL/ID. Instructions for finding the Audit number are provided through the link on the webpage. For non-Texas license/ID holders you will need to contact the help desk at 1-855-845-0842.  

22. What are the new strong password requirements?

  • Be a minimum length of 12 characters. 
  • Not be a dictionary word or proper name. 
  • Not be the same as, or contain, the User ID. 
  • Not be identical to the previous ten passwords. 
  • Include two numbers, as well as two special characters, two upper case letters, and two lower case letters. 

23. When does my password expire?

Passwords expire after 90 days of new password creation. Passwords can be changed on the VIC Station Application Change Password self-service prior to expiration. 

24. Expired Password?

If your password is expired, you can reset your password on the VIC Mod App login page using the “forgot password” link.