Static IP Address

November 15, 2024

Why is a Static IP Address required?

A Static IP Address is required by emissions vehicle inspection stations due to a new administrative rule that was approved requiring all emissions analyzers to have and maintain a static IP address. This can be found under Texas Administrative Code 23.55 (a) (5).

When do I need to have my Static IP Address for my VI station active?

Each emissions vehicle inspection station will need a Static IP Address by Jan 1, 2025. However, you can submit your Static IP Address sooner if you would like. Beyond the Jan 1, 2025 date, DPS has the authority to find the station non-compliant and take action upon them.

What is a Static IP Address and who do I obtain a Static IP Address from?

A Static IP Address is a specific IP address that is designated to one location. The static IP address is obtained from your immediate internet provider.  

Do I need a Static IP Address for just my business location or for each individual analyzer?

Each emissions vehicle inspection station location will only need one Static IP Address for the location itself.

What is the difference between Static IP Address and Dynamic IP Address?

Static IP Address is an address that will not change and is accepted by DPS. While Dynamic IP Address can be assigned to a location, its IP address can change. This will not be accepted by DPS.

What qualifies as “approved form of communication” from the carrier?

An “approved form of communication” is a letter or email from the internet provider or carrier that has your station name, station address, and the Static IP Address purchase associated with it.

How do I submit my Static IP Address?

There are two parts required to complete the Static IP Address submission. The first is to fill out the VI-100 form in its entirely. The second will be to obtain the “approved form of communication” from your internet provider. You will submit all documents to either: Contact Us or to

What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6? What version does DPS accept?

An IPv4 is a more commonly used version of the static IP address, and it only contains numbers. While IPv6 is not as common but still widely accepted and the address contains letters and numbers. We will be accepting either version of the IP address, so depending on what your internet carrier provides, we can accept either.

Will I need a Static IP Address if I am only a Safety Inspection station?

No, static IP address will only be for emissions stations only.