Committee Members

February 17, 2021
Committee MemberRoleIndustryTerm Expires
Anthony MoffaCo-ChairNCTCOG09/16/2025
Jo (JoJo) HeselmeyerCo-ChairTexas Vehicle Inspection Association03/14/2027
Julie ClaussenMemberStation Owner08/01/2026
VacantMemberStation Owner 
VacantMemberStation Owner 
VacantMemberStation Owner 
David LewisMemberEmissions Testing Equip. Manuf.08/01/2026
VacantMemberIndependent Vehicle Equipment Repair Technician 
VacantMemberPublic Interest 

All Vehicle Inspection Advisory Committee (VIAC) meetings are closed to the public. If you wish to make a comment on a meeting topic, please contact your advisory committee representative.

Meeting Dates

March, June, September, December.

**Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month.