General Counsel
Office of General Counsel
Office of General Counsel

The Office of General Counsel represents the Department of Public Safety in all legal matters. We are committed to excellence. The Office of General Counsel is responsible for serving the legal needs of the Public Safety Commission and its Department divisions. We work collaboratively to render advice in an atmosphere of trust and respect. Phillip Adkins, General Counsel, supervises and directs the activities of an in-house staff of attorneys and support staff.


Legal information provided by the Office of General Counsel is intended ONLY as general legal information to the Department of Public Safety, the Public Safety Commission, public safety officers, and employees. The information contained in this site, and related links, is not a substitute for professional legal counsel. Any discrepancy between information in this site and Department of Public Safety policy is not intended to alter or amend official Department of Public Safety policy. Inclusion of any link or reference to any entity, public or private, is not intended to be a warranty or endorsement of the completeness or quality of information contained therein, or of any sponsor of such information.

Public Information Requests
Public Information Requests

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