NIBRS Technical Documentation

August 28, 2020

This page was developed for agencies and vendors to understand the current specifications used and accepted by the Department, as well as the most up to date information on user manuals and plans for transition. If you have questions regarding the information provided below, please email NIBRS.


NIBRS Technical Specifications

The Department currently accepts the following NIBRS flat file versions:

Version Document Name
2023.0 NIBRS Technical Specification Document (PDF)
2019.2.1 NIBRS Technical Specification Document (PDF)


NIBRS User Manual

The Department is currently utilizing the FBI's NIBRS User Manual:  

Version Document Name
2023.0 NIBRS User Manual (PDF)
2021.1 NIBRS User Manual (PDF)


Hate Crime Manual

The Hate Crime User Manual was originally published by the FBI in 2012, and then recently updated in March of 2022.   It contains useful information about classifying Hate Crimes.  Law Enforcement Agencies can also reference additional information related to reporting Hate Crime incidents under Resources by logging into the UCR portal.

Hate Crime Data Collection Guidelines and Training Manual (PDF)


Cargo Theft Manual

The Cargo Theft User Manual has been updated with adding the changes made by the FBI in 2018 to the NIBRS 2019.1 guidelines; adding 26F=Identity Theft and 26G=Hacking-Computer Invasion. Law Enforcement Agencies can also reference the most current NIBRS User Manual and NIBRS Technical Specifications manual that can be found above on this page under the NIBRS Technical Specification Documents.

Cargo Theft User Manual (PDF)


XML Specifications

The Department has deployed a new UCR system, which includes the functionality for receiving XML submissions from local agencies through a Data Broker system.  The Interface Control Document (ICD) will provide instructions on how to connect with the Data Broker.  The Read Me and Getting Started files are provided to guide local agencies as they prepare for participation.  

Technical specifications for NIBRS IEPD submissions are as follows:

Document Name


Texas Data Broker NIBRS - Read Me (PDF)

Texas Data Broker - Getting Started (PDF)

Interface Control Document (ICD) (PDF)

NIBRS XML Development Guide v2023.0 (PDF)


Segment Level 8 & 9

This Segment Level 8 & 9 User Manual is a guide for vendors and law enforcement agencies who submit Texas-specific mandated-reporting information with their NIBRS data to the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program.

The Department has developed our UCR system to mimic the national UCR program and these specifications are provided for "Texas-Centric" data collection and quality control. The UCR Texas Centric Technical Specifications and Error Codes Manual is intended to be an addendum to the FBI Technical Specifications and is specifically designed for Texas data and Texas law enforcement.

Texas-specific submissions include Sexual Assault, Drug Seizures, and Family Violence. Texas law mandates all law enforcement submit this Texas-specific data to the Department. Drug Seizures and Family Violence submissions are included in the Segment Level 8 portion of the NIBRS flat file, while Sexual Assault submissions are included in the Segment Level 9 portion.

Version Document Name Last Revision
2023 UCR Texas Centric Technical Specifications and Error Codes (PDF) 06/21/2024
2020 UCR Texas Centric Technical Specifications and Error Codes (PDF) 10/25/2022
2023 UCR Texas Centric Segment 8 & 9 Flat File Layout (XLSX) 06/23/2023
2020 UCR Texas Centric Segment 8 & 9 Flat File Layout (XLSX) 02/21/2020


Texas UCR Offense Code Table

The UCR Offense Code Table facilitates the offense codification as it relates from State laws to Summary Reporting (SRS) and National Incident-Based Reporting (NIBRS). The information contained in this workbook is intended for law enforcement agencies and their RMS vendors to incorporate into their software as a guideline for the creation of their code tables. These codes will assist users in selecting the proper codes for offenses being reported to the state UCR program.

With the release of The Version 19 Offense Codes from CJIS effective 01/01/2025 there were updates to the Texas UCR Offense Code Table.

Updated as of 01/07/2025.

Texas UCR Offense Code Table (XLSX)


Should you have questions or concerns please email NIBRS or call us at (512) 424-2091.