Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS)

February 10, 2021

TLETS Patch image

The Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System is the statewide telecommunications network comprised of terminals/databases/computer interfaces representing numerous cities, state, federal, and military law enforcement and criminal justice agencies in Texas.  TLETS provides 24/7/365 assistance and access to information to all criminal justice and law enforcement agencies throughout Texas.  Additionally, TLETS provides intrastate interconnectivity to various local, state, and federal database systems via the International Justice and Public Safety Network (Nlets), allowing operators to gather a variety of database services from other states, Canada, Interpol, and private companies. TLETS access provides operators with access to NCIC, TCIC, CCH, Driver License, Vehicle Registration (Department of Motor Vehicles-DMV), Financial Responsibility Verification Program (managed by the Texas Department of Insurance or TDI), as well as the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).

As the Control System Agency (CSA) for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's NCIC, DPS serves as the connection point for all data between Texas agencies and NCIC. Through the services of the NCIC system, the FBI maintains stolen and recovered property files, person files, CCH data and the Interstate Identification Index (III) which is used as a pointer to criminal history files resident on state systems. Federal and state law regulates access to and dissemination of CCH, and prescribes security and privacy rules for systems which access CCH. DPS is responsible for ensuring that FBI CJIS Policy is applied to Texas agencies accessing FBI data.

The Crime Records Division is actively engaged in evaluating network services, adopting new information-sharing partners, and supporting application systems to provide the Texas Criminal Justice Community with cost-efficient and effective strategies. Member agencies will access information about the initiatives through the CRD website, the CR Newsletter, administrative messages, and the TCIC Listserv.

Comments or questions should be directed to tlets@dps.texas.gov.



TLETS New User Request

TLETS Technical Documentation & OpenFox User Guides

  Site Configuration Guides:

  Interface Specifications:

  TLETS Operator: