What is the National Data Exchange (N-DEx) Program?
The National Data Exchange (N-DEx) program is a free online tool created and managed by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for the purpose of helping criminal justice agencies to share and search information across jurisdictional boundaries. N-DEx enhances investigations by serving as a searchable database where agencies can access data located in incident report narratives such as additional associates, locations, incarcerations, and witnesses of crime. There are currently over 1 billion searchable records in the N-DEx database and counting.
How do I gain access to utilize this search function?
The N-DEx System is accessed through the Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal (LEEP). Your LEEP Agency Administrator (LEEP AA) can give you this access. You can find more information about obtaining a LEEP account or locating your LEEP AA.
How can my agency contribute our data to the N-DEx Program?
The FBI is currently offering their data integration services, free of charge, to assist agencies in Texas in sharing their data with N-DEx.
- Complete the N-DEx Data Submission Form and send via email to TDEX@dps.texas.gov
- A joint meeting between your agency, TXDPS and the FBI will be scheduled to discuss the data integration process and agency specific information needed to build the adapter.
- Once the adapter is built, additional meetings will be scheduled to install and test the adapter with the FBI and TXDPS.
- When the adapter successfully transmits, the agency will be deemed a live contributor to the N-DEx Program!
Please visit the following link for information related to the N-DEx Program: