Lieutenant Elizabeth Carter

October 4, 2021

Several weeks ago, my car caught fire and burned off Exit 222 on Interstate 10. Staff Lieutenant Carter was one of the first responders on the scene and took my wife and two daughters to the nearest town where we tried to figure out what to do. She immediately began problem solving about how to get us a rental car, car seats (those were burned in the fire), snacks, water, and some other basics. She took my wife and daughters to the store and started making calls to see what could be done for us. In a town with no rental cars, it wasn’t as simple as dropping us off at the airport to rent a car. Staff Lieutenant Carter took the time out of her busy day to take me, my wife, two daughters, dog, and remaining luggage all the way to El Paso. Over a three-hour drive. Our family knew that Staff Lieutenant Carter didn’t have to do this. She easily could have taken us to a hotel in the nearest town, wished us luck, and gone about her busy day. Instead, she problem solved for us, recruited her husband and friends to help, and volunteered to take us back to El Paso, which was the nearest town with rental cars. Staff Lieutenant Carter went way, way above and beyond. From her actions that day, it’s clear that she lives by the words she speaks. My wife, family, and I won’t soon forget how much Staff Lieutenant Carter went out of her way to help us. She went far above the call of duty and we feel fortunate that she was one of the first to respond to the call. Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation we feel for Staff Lieutenant Carter; we hope that this letter comes close. Thank you, Staff Lieutenant Carter!