Debra Beachly and Paula Lopez

June 25, 2021

I wanted to share my experience. I went to Carrollton Mega and every step of the way I just kept making mistakes, not having my paperwork right, missing my spot in the line etc. Paula Lopez from the beginning was thorough and invited everyone to ask questions while waiting to get their licenses. I immediately requested her help and she showed extreme patience and guided me. She never gave up on me. Needless to say, I was not prepared for my appointment, but she helped me gather my items and helped me to still have an opportunity to complete my appointment. She then had Debra Beachly finish processing me. Debra was also extremely patient and noticed I was frazzled. She was kind enough to ask if I was ok. I have rarely sent in comments, but felt compelled to let you know these ladies are direct and resourceful, but still exercise patience and compassion. I will always remember their kindness. Thank you!