Trooper Hunter Mayo

April 26, 2021

My wife and I were driving from Austin to Midland. We were coming into Brady when Officer Mayo pulled me over for going over the speed limit. During our conversation he was very direct and firm but also very calm and polite, clearly concerned only about our safety. He exhibited the professional demeanor that I appreciate and expect from law enforcement. Later in my military experience I learned how powerful a calm, disciplined, but direct demeanor can be in achieving goals, especially when it is clear you will achieve that goal regardless of circumstances. It was clear that Officer Mayo exhibited just that. It was clear he was in charge in a pleasant, respectful way, but there was an air of confidence in how he communicated and carried himself that he was capable of handling any situation, peacefully or otherwise. He exhibits those leadership qualities so necessary in the military and law enforcement to be able to react to a myriad of circumstances appropriately. It was a pleasure to meet again someone in law enforcement who makes you feel like he belongs on that pedestal and who you have confidence in even in a very brief chance encounter.