Lara McGuire & Marshall DLO

April 26, 2021

I renewed my driver license. I made my appointment online, it was so simple and so timely. Also, I completed the necessary form and brought the required documents. When I arrived at the office I was immediately greeted by a lady who briefed me on the process and escorted me into the office. I was given a number and it was time stamped at 11:02, 18 minutes before my scheduled appointment. I probably waited only three minutes when I was paged to go to the desk. There I was politely greeted by Lara McGuire. She asked for the required documents, fingerprinted me, took a photo and I completed the process. As I left I looked at the time, it was 11:18. It had only taken 16 minutes for the entire process. I was so impressed by the courtesy of everyone and especially Lara McGuire, and also the efficiency of the process. Hats off to the employees for this process!