Shelley Miller & Jennifer Recio

February 11, 2021

My son was denied a job because he didn’t have an identification card. I reside in Killeen Texas and everything around me was booked until Feb or March of next year. I found him an appt in Caldwell, Texas and since I'm from Lexington, Texas my mom took him for me. I’m a single mom and it truly takes a village. I thought I sent him with everything that he needed to fulfill the requirements to obtain his Texas ID. Jennifer was so helpful when we were faced obstacles. She told my mom what was needed and when my mom reached out to me, I made sure it happened. Shelly called me during my frustrated moment and reassured me that even in my absence that my son would be taken care of. I’m so grateful for the heart of these ladies to help my son. Their customer service and expertise is precisely the kind of service that needs to be given to the customer. We are all going thru some rough times, but the love I was shown is what this society needs. They both did more than just their job, they made my day. Thank you again ladies. Shelly doesn’t know this, but I cried when we hung up the phone. I was so frustrated and she calmed my nerves. It’s the little things and the smallest act of kindness can go a long way.