Selene Puente-Jasso

December 29, 2020

I wanted to let you know that I had a very pleasant experience renewing my driver. I couldn’t make an appointment online but I went in anyway. I was filling out my renewal form when a very pleasant lady suggested to everyone that it would be a good idea to go to window five and have them check to make sure we had everything needed. I was pretty sure I did, but thought it best to take her guidance. The wonderful lady at window five confirmed I had everything I needed. My “S” ticket number was over 100 away from being called. I asked her how long it might take. She couldn’t say, but told me I could leave if I needed and come back to be put in line from when I returned. When I returned I went back to window five as she said and yet another nice lady asked what I needed. She told me to have a seat and wait to be called. In seconds my number was called and I went to station 44. From there Selene took care of my renewal. She was exceptionally prompt, professional and courteous. Even wished me a happy birthday when we were done.