Trooper David Hudgens

December 15, 2020

On the morning of January 24, 2020, I had just returned home from a local retail store in Sherman where I had picked up a chair for our home. The chair was packaged in a rather cumbersome box and was in the back of my truck. Trooper Hudgens had pulled up to the curb in front of my neighbors' house across the street as I was in the process of positioning the box containing the chair on the tailgate of my truck. When he asked if I needed some help off-loading the package from my truck, and I told him I would get my wife to help me. He said he would be glad to help and I wouldn't have to bother my wife. He very graciously helped me carry the boxed chair from my truck to inside my house. What Trooper Hudgens did was very appreciated by me and my wife. He was very courteous and definitely went above and beyond what we would have expected. He certainly exemplified the "Courtesy" and "Service" portions of the DPS Motto. Our heartfelt thanks to Trooper Hudgens for his courtesy and service.