Trooper William Windham

December 1, 2020

On Wednesday, May 6, my son and I were headed for our first trip out of the house to Weatherford for some errands. We live in Eastland and were about 10 minutes away from Weatherford when we experienced a flat tire. I saw a patrol car come through the median and thankfully, it came to help us! Officer Windham got the traffic moved over to the far lane so that he could change the tire. We are grateful for his help and good natured patience. We wanted to say THANK YOU for keeping us safe and for arriving just at the right time. You were an answer to prayer because just that morning I’d prayed for safety to Weatherford and back. We are very grateful that God chose you to help us that day. We pray for the safety of our community leaders and you’re one of them. Have a great day!