Trooper William Werkmeister

November 23, 2020

Trooper Werkmeister pulled me over for speeding. My purpose in writing this is to give Officer Werkmeister a huge compliment to his attitude, poise, and civilian approach. He was polite, professional, and kind, and treated with me with the utmost respect. The casual way he chatted with me for just those few minutes made our interaction feel more like a social exchange rather than a traffic stop. His friendly demeanor only added to his professionalism, and I feel as if his supervisors need to know that he is out on the streets giving the department a good name. I was impressed with him as an officer. With everything going on in the world right now, I can’t even begin to imagine what our officers go through on a daily basis. Speaking for the silent majority, we're still out here and we still support out brothers in blue with the same fervor of those loud few that oppose them. We love and respect you all!