Susan Monaghan

November 20, 2020

My daughter was having a difficult time getting her fingerprints turned in so she could start nursing school at Blinn. She has a medical condition called Hyperhidrosis, which basically means the sweat glands in her hands perspire constantly. She has been dealing with this nuisance her whole life. Both times she went in to get her fingerprints done, the person taking her fingerprints said that she did not think it would work because my daughter did not seem to have fingerprints. After I briefly explained our situation to Susan Monaghan, she graciously tried everything she could to help us. Susan was able to reach the right person who would know if a waiver was possible for the 3rd and 4th fingerprinting so that “name search” background check could begin. Our family truly appreciates how far Susan went out of her way to help us. We are all so thankful for her compassion, dedication, & service. My daughter could have easily missed her opportunity to begin the nursing program this fall just because of the amount of time it took between one fingerprinting appointment and the next. Please let Ms. Monaghan know how much we deeply appreciate her, and thank you so much for hiring and empowering employees such as her who deeply care about the people they are called to serve.