Cheryl Cox

November 20, 2020

I just want to take a minute in a very busy day to brag on someone. Cheryl Cox has been a tremendous help to me in the SOR. I have 187 sex offenders in this small county in which I work and along with that I also do the UCR which is massive in itself. I went to training which was helpful but Cheryl has been my "right arm woman" to go to for help. She never seems to be too busy (as others were) to help with whatever question I had about sex offenders. She usually answers the phone immediately unless she is on another call but ALWAYS got back to me within that day. I really appreciate her assistance in the last 2 years that I have worked for this sheriff's office. She's not supposed to be my field rep and I'm not running down the one that is but I know she is always available and always has the answers that I need even if I have asked the same question before. She does it with kindness and I never hear her take a deep breath J when I have asked the same question previously. I just wanted you to know what a valuable employee she is to the DPS and I will also have to say that she knows her job very well and does it with graciousness and kindness. Please let her know that I have never written a letter to a supervisor in my 43 years of employment but I'm taking the time to on Cheryl!