Texas Rangers Company D

June 18, 2024

Texas Rangers Company "D" - Weslaco

Major Billy Mims
Major Billy Jack Mims
Ranger Since 2015

The members of Company “D” Texas Rangers welcome you to the web site for the Texas Rangers Hall of Fame and Museum.

Company “D” extends along the Texas/Mexico border region; from Val Verde and Edwards Counties to the north, stretching south along the Rio Grande River to Cameron and Willacy Counties at the Gulf of Mexico, then North along the gulf coast to Refugio County. This region encompasses 640 miles of the Texas/Mexico border and 21 international border crossings.

Company “D” was realigned in May of 2011 in response to a demand for greater law enforcement presence along the Texas/Mexico border. It was previously designated Company "G" (2008-2011).

The ever-increasing population and vibrant economy in parts of this region has brought with it an increased level of criminal activity attempting to prey on the region’s success. This, coupled with contemporary issues of transnational organized crime and terrorism, places Company “D” personnel on the front lines of Texas’ homeland security efforts. In addition to the traditional criminal investigative functions of the Texas Rangers, Company “D” personnel play an integral role in the State’s border security strategy and operations.

By more than doubling the previous authorized strength in this territory, the Texas Rangers of Company “D” stand ready to work with our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners in providing a safe environment for the residents and visitors of our region.

Company "D" Lieutenants

Corpus Christi

Shane Staley, Lt.
Lt. Shane Staley
Ranger Since 2008


Randy Garcia, Lt.
Lt. Randy Garcia
Ranger Since 2009


Donato Vela, Lt.
Lt. Donato Vela
Ranger Since 2012

Company "D" Rangers


Roberto Montalvo, Ranger
Roberto Montalvo
Ranger Since 2019



Justin Cuellar, Ranger
Justin Cuellar
Ranger Since 2019



Eulalio Mendez, Ranger
Eulalio Mendez
Ranger Since 2023



Patrick O'Connor
Patrick O'Connor
Ranger Since 2013


Carrizo Springs

David Patch, Ranger
David Patch
Ranger Since 2024


Corpus Christi

Jose Balderas, Ranger
Jose Balderas
Ranger Since 2016


Corpus Christi

Dwayne Hinojosa, Ranger
Dwayne Hinojosa
Ranger Since 2024


Crystal City

Ricardo Guajardo, Ranger
Ricardo Guajardo
Ranger Since 2020


Del Rio

Bryan Rodriguez, Ranger
Bryan (Steven) Rodriguez  Ranger Since 2025

Eagle Pass

Jose Sanchez
Jose Sanchez
Ranger Since 2014


Philip Kucia, Ranger
Philip Kucia
Ranger Since 2020


Rodney Henderson, Ranger
Rodney Henderson
Ranger Since 2021


William Groves, Ranger
William Groves
Ranger Since 2019

Laredo (UCIP)

Nathan Mutz, Ranger
Nathan Mutz
Ranger Since 2011


Pedro Fuentes, Ranger
Pedro Fuentes, Jr.
Ranger Since 2018


Ernesto Salinas, Ranger
Ernesto Salinas
Ranger Since 2011


Enrique Ornelas, Ranger
Enrique Ornelas
Ranger Since 2022


Claud Daniel, Ranger
Claud Daniel
Ranger Since 2016

Rio Grande City

Jose Cedillo, Ranger
Jose Cedillo, Jr.
Ranger Since 2024


Michael Martin, Ranger
Michael J. Martin
Ranger Since 2022


Cody Lankford, Ranger
Cody Lankford
Ranger Since 2015


Christopher Kindell, Ranger
Christopher Kindell
Ranger Since 2016

Weslaco (PCU)

Elias Escalon, Ranger
Elias Escalon
Ranger Since 2016


Esteban Martinez, Ranger
Esteban Martinez, Jr.
Ranger Since 2021

Company "D"



Venessa Bustamante

Audrey Lopez

Analisa Ruiz



Corpus Christi


Major's Secretary

Admin Assistant

Admin Assistant

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