Trooper Juan Flores Jr.

June 21, 2021

I would like to comment on the experience I had during a traffic stop south of Weatherford. I was pulled over by State Trooper J. Flores. He informed me that the reason he pulled me over was because I was exceeding the speed limit by about five to seven miles an hour. I would like to commend State Trooper Flores for his professionalism and courtesy during the traffic stop. He was justified in pulling me over and I acknowledged the fact that I was pushing the limits of the posted speed. I wish more people would understand that showing civility and compliance with an officer’s request would eliminate 99% of the confrontations we see happening today. I have the utmost respect for State Trooper Flores as well as all of the men and women in law enforcement who choose to put themselves at risk every day in order to protect myself and everyone else. I pray that many who show disrespect for our great law enforcement professionals will come to see the error of their ways and we can soon end all of the animosity and violence directed at law enforcement throughout our great nation.