Trooper Darren Ryer

March 8, 2021

I wanted to show appreciation to one of your Troopers for going out of his way this morning. I own an old diesel pickup I drive once a week and there’s always mysterious things going wrong as a matter of course. Today the horn decided to operate under its own volition as I drove up into HQ parking. Having about 98% hearing loss, I had no idea the horn was blaring as I sat idling and checking texts before starting my day. I will advise this Trooper was quick on his toes and figured things fast, making it clear to me that the horn noise was concerning and he was going to assist in solving it. Since neither of us could locate the horn wires for a quick disconnect, I had to start pulling various fuses as he acted as surrogate ears until I found the correct fuse. It’s the little things that make a difference and I’d just like to reach out and commend the Trooper on his professionalism and willingness to lend a hand this morning.