Equipment Overview

September 4, 2020
 Commercial Inspection StationsEmissions Inspection Stations
Testing DevicesElectronic Interface - PC, tablet, or cellular device capable of accessing the internet.Emissions Testing Analyzer

See specific details about testing equipment and options for purchasing emissions testing analyzers.
A/C PowerN/AStandard grounded 3-prong 110-volt A/C outlet.
Data Communications AgreementN/A

Station must enter into a communication agreement with Gordon-Darby.

Gordon-Darby Communication Agreement Form

Internet ConnectivityInternet Connectivity (must obtain a Static IP Address).
Equipment Requirements to Conduct Inspections
  • Electronic Interface Device
  • Printer
  • Internet connection (broadband/cellular)
  • Emissions Testing Analyzer/Printer
  • Data contract with Gordon-Darby
  • Internet connection (broadband/cellular)
Equipment Repair/ReplacementN/AContact your analyzer manufacturer.
Technical SupportVIC Help Desk:
(855) 845-0842 or (855) 845-0-VIC

Data Transmission Issues:
Gordon-Darby Help Desk (877) 434-8467

Emissions testing analyzer issues:
Contact your analyzer manufacturer.