Trooper Brit Lopez

December 1, 2020

I just wanted to reach out and complement Trooper B. Lopez. I have never had an unpleasant experience in 25 years of driving Texas roads from any DPS Trooper. That being said, the professionalism, politeness and just down right friendly nature of Trooper Lopez is to be highly commended, to the point that as funny as it is to say, I'm glad he pulled me over so that I had the chance to speak to him. With as bad as a lot of people try and make LEO's out to look these days, I am glad that there are people like Trooper Lopez out there still willing to look out for all of us. I just wish that they would get more of the positive recognition that they do not often enough get, but definitely deserve. My 13 year old son Stephen, looks to all in uniform, but especially DPS Troopers and Game Wardens as the standard to look up to and as his heroes. To the point he has already decided that his goal is to one day be a Texas Game Warden. Thank you Trooper Lopez and all Texas DPS troopers for what you do for all of us. And always stay safe!