Trooper James Vinson

December 1, 2020

I attended the President Trump Dallas Visit on June 11th. I was at a cross street on Hillcrest where Trooper Vinson of Sweetwater was stationed to stop traffic. He exemplified the highest most professional conduct of Law Enforcement. He was smiling, happy, and a pleasure to talk to. As I witnessed many with signs calling for abolishing the police department come toward the intersection, he treated them with the highest respect. He would approach and say "Thanks for coming out today. I am happy you are here. You may stand at this intersection but you may not proceed onto the street or move north. Thank you for helping." His respect and courtesy received respect and courtesy in return. In my time there, only one person seemed to have ill intention but trooper Vinson never stopped treating that person with respect and the situation was never escalated. His conduct despite standing in the heat all day is exactly what Law Enforcement is to be. There were even some people who offered water to him and he thanked them graciously. The interactions with people of the community were so positive. I can't give enough praise to this man. I am proud that the State of Texas has individuals such as him representing the State Troopers and protecting our communities.