Sexual Assault Evidence Tracking Program

August 30, 2020

The Sexual Assault Evidence Tracking Program was created by the Crime Laboratory Service after the 85th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 281, which added Section 420.034 to the Texas Government Code, requiring DPS to develop and implement a statewide electronic tracking system for evidence collected in cases involving sexual assault or other sex offenses. The bill requires the system to track the status and location of each item of evidence through various stages of the criminal justice process, allow entities involved in the handling of the evidence to update and track the status and location of evidence, and allow survivors to anonymously track or receive updates on the status of evidence. Participation in the tracking system is required by any entity that collects evidence of sexual assaults or other sex offenses or investigates or prosecutes such offenses. HB 281 required DPS to implement the tracking system by September 1, 2019.

Access the tracking system here: Texas Sexual Assault Evidence Tracking System

ATTENTION – The Crime Laboratory has released an important notice which will impact Sexual Assault Kit submissions beginning September 1, 2019. (Customer Notification (PDF))

Late Submission Notification Form

Under Texas Government Code 420.042 (g), law enforcement agencies (LEAs) that fail to submit evidence of a sexual assault to an accredited lab within the period required by law (30 days) are required to provide to DPS written documentation with a detailed explanation for the failure. The Sexual Assault Evidence – Late Submission Notification Form (LAB-216) must be completed and submitted via email to on or before the 30th day after the date on which the agency discovered the evidence was not submitted. The form (LAB-216) is available on the DPS website: Publications | Department of Public Safety (

Statewide Electronic Tracking System Report

Texas Government Code 420.034 (h) requires the Department to publish the "Statewide Electronic Tracking System Report" by December 1st of each year. The report will use Track-Kit data to identify the number of kits that have not yet been submitted for laboratory analysis or for which laboratory analysis has not yet been completed. Track-Kit only tracks evidence kits collected on or after September 1, 2019 .

Statewide Electronic Tracking System Report (2021)

Statewide Electronic Tracking System Report (2022)

Statewide Electronic Tracking System Report (2023)

Statewide Electronic Tracking System Report (2024)









Project Plans

User Access Forms

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