Deadra Nealy

November 20, 2020

I want to compliment each of you for the prompt handling of the situation with my License To Carry application. After sending my letter to Senator Robert Nichols on June 24th, within 90 minutes I received a response that indicated they had forwarded my request to Texas DPS and I should be hearing something soon. By the next day Deadra Nealy, Program Supervisor, had responded from Texas DPS. After a few email exchanges an extension for my application was worked out and I got in gear and contacted the Calcasieu Parish Clerk of Court to get the necessary documents. The Calcasieu clerk kept me up to date with their findings and I kept Deadra up to date with my progress. On July 20th I received the court documents from Bethany Smith of the Calcasieu Parish Clerk of Court. In less than 30 days I had the documents needed to move forward my LTC application. I immediately forwarded to Deadra Nealy of Texas DPS. On July 21st she notified me that she has processed my application for clearance and to allow 7-14 days to receive the License To Carry. On Tuesday, August 4th I received my new Texas License To Carry. That was just a little over 30 days. Pretty amazing!