Trooper Eder Valera

November 20, 2020

On September 7, 2020 I experienced a flat. No one stopped to help me and I was unfamiliar with the jack placement. A DPS vehicle pulled up and asked me if he could assist me. I was the recipient of more than his assistance, he totally took over and changed my flat tire. What made his assistance even more impressive is the fact that he was trying to work with inferior equipment. He immediately remedied the situation by using his equipment to complete the task. In light of today’s many stories of anti-law enforcement protests, I want you to know this officer is an outstanding example of a fine, courteous, and caring person. He could have suggested so many other ways for me to get the tire changed but instead he did it himself. This officer is not only a fine representation of the DPS but also an exemplary man. More importantly, give this gentleman a firm pat on the back and the words “job well done!”