New Braunfels DLO

November 19, 2020

I scheduled an appointment with the New Braunfels DPS to renew my license and update my address. I finished what was needed and was trying to pay with my debit card and the machine kept saying bad read. I had just used my card at another place so I knew it worked but the machine kept saying bad read, I had no other form of payment. I started to freak out thinking I was going to have to come back and start all over again! The lady next to the lady who was helping me offered to try her machine, it did the same thing, and then the other lady came over and offered help of a different way to process, nothing worked! One lady told me to run across the street to the gas station and get out cash and come back. I told them I had another appointment and couldn't wait in that line again, she said, just tell them up front that you had to get an alternative form of payment and come stand right by this wall, when one of the three of us are free, we will take your money. WOW! The three of them were a team, and were helping each other our as well as the customer, me! This was my most enjoyable experience I've ever had at a DPS office. I wanted to make sure these ladies were recognized for their exceptional teamwork and customer service.