EL PASO – The El Paso Police Department (EPPD) and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) today announced the graduation of the 2nd Joint Citizen’s Academy, a class comprised of 21 participants. The graduation took place on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018 at the Texas Department of Transportation building in east El Paso.
DPS Regional Director Orlando Alanis and El Paso Police Department Assistant Chief Peter Pacillas addressed the class about the relationship between the community and law enforcement, and how this partnership can strengthen safety efforts throughout the West Texas region. Additionally, there was an open forum, where participants were able to ask questions related to current events and the role each agency plays in making El Paso community safer.
Students completed the 11-week academy and were introduced to various programs and services provided by law enforcement. They also received, hands-on education during weekly meetings on topics related to the different services each agency offers, including SWAT, DPS aircraft operations, canine units, criminal investigations, civilian response to active shooters and other numerous law enforcement activities. Students also toured the DPS Crime Lab, participated in ride-alongs with both agencies and conducted firearms training.
The Joint Citizen’s Academy is designed to educate students about the many safety challenges Texans face every day and how law enforcement organizations function on a daily basis to protect and serve the state.
The next class will be announced in January. Citizens interested in attending should contact: Det. Mike Baranyay, EPPD, at 915-212-4312 or 1687@elpasotexas.gov, Det. Javier Sambrano, EPPD, at 915-212-4055 or 2828@elpasotexas.gov, Sgt. Jaime Aburto, DPS, at 915-849-4155 or Jaime.Aburto@dps.texas.gov.
### (DPS-West Texas Region)