AUSTIN, TX - Today, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Travis County District Attorney’s office released the following joint statement:
“The Texas Department of Public Safety and the Travis County District Attorney’s Office take the allegation of drugging women very seriously. We work hard to ensure that potential victims are always treated with respect and dignity, and we encourage all women to continue reporting potential crimes to us.
DPS has conducted a thorough investigation following allegations of drugging of a Capitol staffer by a lobbyist. Together, we have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support these allegations and that criminal charges are not appropriate. No crime occurred in this instance.
Recent events have amplified the conversation in our community that women should have the right to feel safe at all times. We are committed to continuing this conversation with the firm belief that women should be safe at home, at the workplace, and anywhere else they choose to be. This conversation is long overdue and we are encouraged by the Texas Legislature’s attention to these important issues.”
### (HQ 2021-023)