About DPS
DPS Overview
DPS Overview

This section will take you to the DPS mission, motto, vision, values, goals, responsibilities, enabling legislation, administrative rules, public feedback, the Compact with Texans and the organizational chart.

Public Safety Commission
Public Safety Commission

This section will provide information regarding the Public Safety Commission, the oversight body for the Department of Public Safety.

DPS Divisions
DPS Divisions

This section will provide links to the various divisions that are part of the Department of Public Safety.

DPS Regions
DPS Regions

DPS employs a unified regional command structure to fully integrate DPS programs and capabilities at all levels, empower decision making at the lowest level and provide immediate accountability at all levels. This structure better enables the timely adaption to quickly evolving public safety threats and an integrated response at all levels of government. Importantly, this structure better enables DPS to provide timely support its local law enforcement partners in addressing the most significant threats in their communities. The Regional leaders in each of the below seven regional commands are referred to as Regional Directors and they have direct access to DPS Division Chiefs and report directly to the Lt. Colonel/Deputy Director of Law Enforcement Operations who reports directly to the DPS Colonel/Director.
- Transnational and State-Wide Gangs
- Mexican Crime Cartels
- International Terrorist Organizations
- Domestic Terrorist Organizations
- Individual Radicalized Violent Actors
- Mass Attacks in Public Places
- Mob Violence
- Serial Bombers, Arsonists and Snipers
- Violent Serial Criminals
- Sex & Human Trafficking Organizations
- Drug Trafficking Organizations
- Cyber Intrusions and Attacks
- Major Floods, Wildfires and Hurricanes
- Pandemic Diseases, such as COVID-19
- Fatal Vehicle Crashes

Reports and Data