Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Cyber Security

Texas DPS Cyber Security is devoted to protecting the digital assets of Texans by ensuring cybersecurity risks are managed, critical networks are protected, vulnerabilities are mitigated and threats are reduced.
Texas DPS is the repository for sensitive data that ranges from information provided by the public when they apply for a driver license, details related to ongoing criminal investigations, and criminal records. Cyber success requires that we all stay informed and remain vigilant. Please review and feel free to share our DPS Cyber Security Monthly Newsletters.

Cyber Risk and Vulnerability Team
Cyber Risk and Vulnerability Team

The Risk and Vulnerability Management team conducts regular self-assessments and performs risk management activities to reduce the likelihood and impact of cyber threats and protect the information that DPS has been entrusted with.

Cyber Operations Team
Cyber Operations Team

The Operations Team protects digital assets by maintaining a professionally trained and skilled staff that operates a robust Security Operations Center and provides a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) to State and Local government organizations in response to cyber-attacks.