Aircraft Operations Division
Aircraft Operations Overview
Aircraft Operations Overview
The Aircraft Operations Division provides statewide air patrol, criminal surveillance and rescue. Statewide air patrol enhances public safety and assists all DPS divisions and local, county, other state, and Federal agencies. Air patrol leverages technology to effectively apprehend fugitives, locate suspects, deter criminal activity, and bolster border security.
In addition, the Aircraft Operations Division augments the search and rescue capability of local, state, and federal first responders to locate and rescue victims from disaster related events.
Aircraft Operations Division
Aircraft Operations Division

The DPS Aircraft Operations Division is composed of 50 police pilots, 25 tactical flight officers, and 5 essential support personnel. The Division currently operates a fleet of 14 Airbus AS350 helicopters, 3 of which are hoist equipped, 1 Airbus EC145 twin engine helicopter, 4 Cessna 206 single engine airplanes, 2 Cessna 208 Caravan single engine turboprop airplanes, 2 Pilatus PC12 single engine turboprop airplanes, and a King Air 350 airplane. All of the DPS pilots hold a minimum of commercial pilot licenses with instrument ratings, and receive recurrent pilot training from the Aircraft Division training staff and from the factory. DPS Pilots receive additional training and ratings, in both airplane and helicopter, throughout their careers that include Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), Certified Flight Instrument Instructor (CFII), Multi Engine, and Airline Transport Pilot (ATP).

Air Patrol Leverages Technology
Air Patrol Leverages Technology

Effectively apprehending fugitives, locating suspects, deterring criminal activity, and bolstering border security.

Air Patrol Augments Search and Rescue
Air Patrol Augments Search and Rescue

Locating and rescuing victims from disaster related events.